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The Church and It's People



Tuesday: ( First Week In March 1950 )

Armed with rakes, saws, pruning shears and the like, they descended upon the church yard in a scene reminiscent of the days of long ago. Brush and brambles had to go first and trash had to follow. To the left of the church, about twenty yards away was an old privy. It and the old horse-sheds to the rear of the building had once been in good repair, but tonight they stood uninvitingly forlorn. The privy, nevertheless, had to undergo the proper treatment for an inside lavatory had not even been conceived when the old church was erected. This necessary addition to the premises was selected by the preacher’s wife as her project, and while the men cut back the mulberry trees and sumac bushes, which guarded the entrance, she dared to venture inside with the spiders and the huge paper wasp nest. “Well, somebody had to do it!” she said, as she scattered the contents of a bag of lime in the area.

All of a sudden, they stood and looked, and there in bold relief was the building once hidden by years of neglect and grown over with carelessness. This was to be their base of operations to reach a town which had forgotten. It never occurred to them that folks might not want to come and worship here. After all, nearby towns had their beautiful churches with stained glass windows and robed choirs and all the comforts of home. It is so easy to forget a place where the Gospel once offered the grace of the Lord Jesus and the peace of God which passes understanding to all those “led by the Spirit of God.” Ah, there is the catch! The old time religion required responsible reaction to God’s Word. The new way was the easy way, forget the past and do better by yourself. That’s it…self-effort. In their hearts, the workers could hear the wheezy old organ…”nothing in my hand I bring, simply to thy cross I cling.”


History Continued: Page-4




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