Panoramic Bible Study Lesson 45 - Introduction to the Epistles of Paul

            Following the Acts, a book which records the continuation of the ministry of Christ through His chosen witnesses, we have the fourteen epistles written by the Apostle Paul.  The last one is the Epistle to the Hebrews.  Not all (theologians) accept the belief that Paul is the writer, but the style followed is more like the Pauline than writings by the other apostles.  We therefore accept the popular view of its authorship.

            Paul was converted by the personal ministry of the Lord of glory.  He is, therefore, distinctively a witness of a glorified Christ, Head over all things to the Church which is His body.


Panoramic Bible Study Lesson 44 -The Book of the Acts of  the Apostles


Panoramic Bible Study Lesson 46 - Paul's Epistle to the Romans