Panoramic Bible Study Lesson 57 - Paul's Epistle to Titus


            This epistle was written by the Apostle Paul at about the same time as I Timothy.  Its theme is Divine order for local churches.

            The epistle is in two divisions:

                        1.  Qualifications for a Bishop or elder - chapter 1.
                        2.  Instructions for the welfare of the local churches - chapters 2 and 3. 


            After a few words of greeting to Titus, his son in faith, Paul reminds him that he should ordain elders to care for the local churches.  The word bishop is used.  The former refers to the person, and the latter word to the function of the office he fills.  As in I Timothy the Apostle raised the standard very high, and in this epistle mentions that an elder must hold fast the faithful word that he may be able by sound doctrine to exhort and convince the gainsayers (chapter 1:9). 

            There was the need of withstanding the Jewish teachers.  Paul called them “vain talkers and deceivers,” and asked that they be rebuked sharply (verses 10, 13).  Unto the pure, all things are pure as far as eating is concerned, and the Apostle felt keenly the interference of these men. 


            Aged men and women, young women and young men, must be taught the things which become sound doctrine.  Titus was to be a pattern of good works himself, that none may have an evil thing to say of him (chapter 2:1-8.  Servants must serve their masters in all humility that they may adorn the doctrine in all things (verses 9-10).  The grace of God has appeared to all men by which we are taught to live soberly and righteously in this present world, “looking for the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of Jesus Christ.”

            The former careless and worldly way of living must be changed.  Everyone must be in subjection to the powers that be.  All this is possible since the Gospel has some to hold sway in the hearts of men.  Salvation is clearly defined as the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Ghost which is outpoured at the same time of received the baptism (chapter 3:4-7).  A heretic must be admonished twice and if he fails to respond he is to be rejected (verses 10-11).  In closing Paul urged that saints be careful to maintain good works that they be not unfruitful (verse 14).


Panoramic Bible Study Lesson 56 - Paul's Second Epistle to Timothy


Panoramic Bible Study Lesson 58 - Paul's Epistle to Philemon