Panoramic Bible Study Lesson 64 - The II and III Epistles of John

II John.

            This epistle was also written about 90 A.D.  by the apostle John.  It is addressed to the elect lady who was probably a Christian woman prominent in the church at the time.  They letter was written to encourage her and her children to walk in the truth of God’s Word, and that they should love one another (verses 1-6).  Many deceivers were working against the church, who confessed not the Jesus Christ is come in the flesh.  The sister and those of her company were exhorted to be faithful, that they might not lose their reward (verses 7-8).

            Any who should come among them who taught contrary to the Word were to be rejected, and whosoever bid them God speed would be regarded as partakers of their evil deeds (verses 10-11).  The epistle closes with a desire expressed to see them, which the apostle hoped shortly to do.


            This third epistle is addressed to a brother named Gaius and was written at about the same time as the other two.  In greeting him, John said he wished that he might prosper and be in health even as his soul prospered (verse 2).  It is quite significant to read this, for the Gospel has made provision for our temporal and physical well- being as well as our spiritual, and one can claim such a fullness from God.

            Gaius is commended for his kindness to the brethren who probably traveled in the ministry, and also to strangers (verses 5-8).  It pays to entertain God’s people with such kindly ministry, and whoever does this will not miss his reward.

            A man named Diotrephes was severely reprimanded.  He had spoken maliciously against the apostle, and not only refused admittance to the ministering brethren but tried to influence others to do likewise (verses 9-10).

            Demetrius, a faithful brother, received honorable mention for his good example, and steadfastness in the faith (verse 12).  John closed with a hope expressed that he would shortly see Gaius face to face.


Panoramic Bible Study Lesson 63 - The First Epistle of John


Panoramic Bible Study Lesson 65 - The Epistle of Jude