01-19-2025 Three Great Words for the Journey

Text: Exodus 15

                    Our Christian journey, while not always easy, can be extremely rewarding if we remember three words:  Celebrate, Innovate, and Dedicate.  Our text this morning is Exodus 15 where we first see Moses and His people singing a song to the Lord.  They were praising God because they had miraculously crossed the Red Sea on dry land while being followed by Pharaoh and his army.  The people of Israel made it safely to the other side on dry land, but Pharaoh and his soldiers didn’t because God closed the water around them, causing them all to die.  When we look at Israel’s deliverance from the slavery of Egypt, we can see how it pictures our salvation from sin.  The Israelites were slaves to Pharaoh, we were slaves to Satan and sin.  They were delivered from that Pharaoh’s slavery by God using Moses.  We are delivered from sin by God with the blood of the Lamb Jesus Christ.  The Israelites still had a difficult journey ahead of them from the shore of the Red Sea.  The Christian life is also a journey with many difficulties along the way.

                   In the first 19 verses of Exodus 15 we see the Israelites singing a song that celebrates what the Lord has done for them.  Music was an important part of Israel’s worship.  Singing is an expression of love and thanks, and it was a creative way to pass down oral traditions.  This particular song celebrated that they were no longer slaves as well as God’s victory over the Egyptian army.  And they were now on the way to the promised land.  After being delivered from great danger, they sang with joy.  Moses led them in giving glory to God and reminded them that the Lord was their strength. 

                   When we sing hymns we also are celebrating what God has done for us and continues to do for us every day.  We celebrate our salvation:  our sins have been forgiven; we are now justified and on our way to heaven.  And, we celebrate that God has promised to be with us all the way.  Psalms and hymns are a great way to express relief, praise, and thanks when we have been through times of trouble and finally emerge at the other side.

                   Verses 22-25 of chapter 15 say:  “(22) So, Moses brought Israel from the Red Sea, and they went out into the wilderness of Shur; and they went three days in the wilderness and found no water.  (23)  And when they came to Marah, they could not drink the waters of Marah, for they were bitter; therefore, the name of it was called Marah [which means bitter].  (24) And the people murmured against Moses, saying, what shall we drink?  (25) And he cried unto the Lord and the Lord showed him a tree which when he had cast into the waters, the waters were made sweet; there He made for them a Statute and Ordinance and there He proved  [tested] them.”  This is the first problem since the Red Sea that the Israelites had on their journey, so they complained to Moses.  Often bitter experiences will make bitter people, and they start to complain.  How many people do you know of who chose to complain rather than find ways to fix their problems?  Moses knew exactly where to turn when he was in trouble, and so should we.  God gave him an innovative solution to the bitter water problem.  He showed Moses a tree and told him to toss it into the water to make it sweet.  This was an unusual approach for Moses, but when he did as God instructed, it worked.  And guess what, God’s solutions to our problems will work and always involve a tree.  That tree is the Cross of Jesus Christ.

                   As Christians, we to can also be innovative in our problem solving and our witnessing to others.  But in doing so, we must make sure our innovation is always rooted in the Bible.  Look at how Jesus talked to the people and use His techniques.  He related their experiences to God and when things weren’t working out, He shows them how it can work because of God and how they can tap into that.  We can show others how the Bible has helped and guided us and that it can do the same for them.  We can explain how the Holy Spirit guides us each day and how the peace we receive from God gets us through every day and every problem.

                   Verses 26-27 say:  “(26)…If you will diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord your God, and will do that which is right in His sight, and will give ear to His commandants and keep all His statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon you, which I have brought upon the Egyptians for I am the Lord Who heals you.  (27) And they came to Elim, where were twelve wells of water, and three score and ten [70] palm trees, and the encamped there by the waters.”  Here Moses told the people that they must be dedicated to the Lord God. Christians today must also be dedicated to God.

                   The water at the oasis of Marah is contrasted with the springs at the oasis of Elim.  Marah is a reminder of the unbelieving, grumbling attitude of people who would not trust God.  Whereas Elim is a reminder of God’s bountiful provision for those who are dedicated to Him.  It’s easy to grumble and complain too quickly, only to be embarrassed by God’s gracious provision.  Like the Israelites, we must learn to be patient as we wait for God’s kindness and help.  We should never let a negative attitude erode our trust in God.

                   God promised that if the people obeyed Him, they would not suffer from the diseases that plagued the Egyptians while they were still slaves in the country.  Many of the moral laws He later gave them were designed to keep them free from sickness.  God’s laws for us are also designed to keep us from harm.  Men and women are complex beings.  Our physical, emotional and spiritual lives are intertwined.  Even modern medicine has come to acknowledge what these laws have always assumed.  If we want God to care for us, we need to live by His directions, standards, and Jesus’ example. 

                   As Christians, we should always celebrate what God does for us, be innovative in how we live, solve problems, and share His message of love and salvation with others, and be dedicated to Him in response to what He has done for us.  We must listen to the voice of God as we continually study our Bible and do what is right in His sight, not our own.  We should do our best to keep His commandments while at the same time recognizing that we are not perfect and will slip and fall.  So, it’s equally important to ask forgiveness when we slip and do our best not to repeat the same mistakes.  Then we can experience the healing, peace, and blessings that only God can give us.  Afterall, without full dedication to God, we have no right to expect His blessings.

                   God wants to meet all of us where we are and travel every day of our lives with us.  Making the decision to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior is important and necessary.  If you haven’t yet done so, don’t wait any longer.  God is willing to forgive your sins, and Jesus wants to guide you on your Christian walk.  The Christian journey will never be easy, but it will be worth it because you will never be alone again, and you will have the promise of eternal life with Him.

                    Until we meet again, may God bless and keep you, may He shine His light on you, show you grace, and give you peace in all the days ahead. 


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