Living the Overcoming Life

TEXT: I John 4:4,18; 5:1-4

                   Do you ever feel like no matter what you do you just can't seem to win or get ahead?  Today we're going to look at why the Apostle John tells us there are no born losers in God's family.  Our text is from I John 4 verses 4 and18 and chapter 5 verses 1 to 4 which say: "(4)You are of God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He Who is in you, then he (meaning Satan) who is in the world.  (18)There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear because fear has torment.  He who fears is not made perfect in love. To chapter 5: "(1) Whosoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God; and everyone who loves Him Who begat Him loves Him also who is begotten of Him.  (2)By this we know that we love the Children of God when we love God and keep His commandments.  (3)For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments:  and His commandments are not grievous.  (4)For whosoever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith." 

          John is telling us that we can't lose because as believers, we are fully equipped to win every battle we must face and more importantly, there really is victory in Jesus. 

                   All Christians will face three powerful enemies:  spiritual enemies, recurring anxieties, and the pull to live how the world thinks we should live.  But we don't face them alone because the Holy Spirit equips us to overcome all of them.  Let's look at each one to see why we are already winners.

                   First, we will come up against spiritual enemies.  They include those who will try to convince us that what we know to be true in God's Word really isn't. There will be those who mock us for our faith, and even the spirit of the antichrist that John previously mentioned in verses 1 to 3 of chapter 4.  Satan has a large network of minions throughout the world whose only purpose is to confuse, demean, frighten, insult, and ultimately destroy our faith in God.  Remember, Satan is fully aware that he has already lost this war with God, so his goal, using any means necessary, is to bring as many people as possible with him while he still has the time.    Paul tells us in Ephesians 6:11 that we are to put on the whole amour of God because it will allow us to win as we fight Satan and all his schemes against us.  In verse 12 of Ephesians chapter 6 he shows we aren’t fighting against governments and others with authority, even though it may feel like it.  We are fighting flesh and blood demons who are the forces of darkness. By the way, they may be in the seats of government and hold positions with authority over us.  So how do we win?  We remember our faith and lean on it as we trust in the One that is greater than all those who will try to destroy us.  Jesus lives within each Christan through the Holy Spirit.  God's love for us is so great that He won't let these enemies hurt us. And we study His Word to reinforce how much He loves us and so we know the future He has waiting for us when we leave this life.

                   The second enemy we face found in  verse 18 of chapter 4 is our own anxieties.  Anxiety is brought on by fear.  This is something we can overcome because we truly have nothing to fear because we are covered by God's love.  Through faith we trust that God will love and protect us.  Each answer to prayer for God's help strengthens our faith and takes away fear because faith and fear are opposites.  The perfect love God has for us means we need not be anxious or afraid of life.  Jesus' death on the Cross paid the price so that we could return to God and live surrounded and protected by His love.  This saving love is also a keeping love.  If we are ever afraid of current situations, the future, eternity, or God's judgment all we need do is God loves us.  Paul tells us in Romans 8:38-39 that God's love is perfect, and the power of Jesus through the Holy Spirit is available to all believers by faith giving us power over Satan and his attempts to influence our life.  Drawing on that power gives victories in life and the final victory in eternity.

                   The third enemy we face is the temptation to live as those of the world live.  Think of the seven deadly sins: lust, envy, gluttony, laziness, pride, greed, uncontrolled anger.  They are real, can be attractive, and will destroy our relationship with God.  John shows us in chapter 5 verses 1 to 4 because we are born again through faith in Jesus, we are equipped with the tools to overcome the attractiveness of the ungodly things of the world.  We with our faith and with the Word of God that shows us how we are to live.  When we become Christians, we also become part of God's family with fellow believers as our brothers and sisters.  God determines who the other family members are, not us.  We are simply called to accept and love them and treat them as we want to be treated.  And we can rely on them to help and guide us in our journey especially when we stray from God's path. 

                   Paul shows us in I Corinthians that the Holy Spirit now lives in us once we accept Jesus and our bodies become God's temple.  People today often say they are free to do whatever they want with their own body.  This isn't true freedom.  Instead, it makes them a slave to their own desires.  When we become Christians and the Holy Spirit lives in us, we are no longer our own.  We -- and our bodies -- have been bought with a price that is the blood of Jesus freeing us from sin along with an obligation to live by His standards and rules.

                   In chapter 14:16-17 of his Gospel John writes how Jesus promised when we accept Him as the ruler of our earthly life, He asks the Father to give us an advocate to comfort, encourage, teach, guide, and intercede for us.  This advocate is the Holy Spirit and is the very presence of God within us helping us to live for Him on earth.  Our faith gives us access to the Holy Spirit every moment of our lives.  The world doesn't have access to this power because they refuse to see or know the truth of God. 

                   John is giving us a powerful and liberating reminder that we don't need to be frightened by the wickedness and hostility we see all around us nor should we be overwhelmed by the problems we face.  Evil can often seem much stronger than we are, but he assures us that God has already won.  The Holy Spirit has far more powerful than Satan, all his demons, temptations, and forces of evil.  God's Spirit, love, and Word lives within us and will allow us to conquer all the evil we face.

                   We are going to have moments of weakness and may even have times where we question our faith.  But when that happens and we find ourselves afraid the future, eternity, or God's judgment, remember that God's love is so strong He sent His Son to die for us.  Always remember that He loves us perfectly and is forgiving.  We can resolve our fears first by focusing on His immeasurable love and then allowing Him to love us.  His love will always quiet our fears and restore our confidence.  We no longer need to be tormented by fear.  We can now rest in God's perfect love.  Jesus said that obeying Him would not be easy.  But the hard work and self-discipline of serving Him won't be a burden to those who genuinely love and trust Him.  Even when your circumstances start to overwhelm you, you can always trust Jesus to be there for you and help you get through it.  He tells us in Matthew 11:28-30 " (28) Come unto me,  all  you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  (29) Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me for I am meek and lowly in heart and you will find rest unto your souls.  (30) For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light."  Jesus offers rest to those who come to Him in a childlike faith.  He has  extended His invitation to all of mankind, not just the rich and powerful or the wise and clever.  The rest He offers in His Kingdom means freedom from the extra burdens we encounter in this earthly life.  He gives us love, peace, and healing now and one day we will experience a joyful eternity with Him and all those who have gone before us.  We truly have the victory in Jesus.

                   Until we meet again, may God bless and keep you, may He shine His light on you, show you grace, and give you peace in all the days ahead.


Questions About Eternal Life


God's Great Circle of Love June 9, 2024