Who’s In Charge

Text: Psalm 97:1-6

                    You don't need me to tell you that we're living in a very troubled world.  Crime and violence have become normal because there are no consequences for bad or illegal behavior.  Wars and the potential for more wars are all around us with enemies of our country becoming more bold every day.  Many even question who exactly is in charge within our own government.  Our Bible warns us about these conditions in the world, but it also shows us that there is still good news to be found are better days ahead.  And it  tells us what will become of us, and who exactly is in charge.                              

                   This morning's text is found in Psalm 97:1-6 where the psalmist wrote:  "(1)The Lord reigns; let the earth rejoice; let the multitude of isles be glad thereof.  (2)Clouds and darkness are round about Him:  righteousness and judgment are the habitation of His throne  (3)A fire goes before Him and burns up His enemies round about.  (4)His lightning enlightened the world:  the earth saw and trembled.  (5)The hills melted like wax at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth.  (6) The Heavens declare His righteousness, and all the people see His glory."

                   The psalmist starts by reminding us that because God reigns over this world, we can rejoice and put our worries aside.  This psalm is a song about a new day for humanity when righteousness, peace, and brotherhood will be normal throughout the world.  It will happen when God tells Jesus that the time has come for Him to return to earth to set up His kingdom.  While this great to hear and we all believe it, there are still so many that are thinking and worrying that a lot of bad things can happen between now and when that command is given to Jesus.  But I want you to know that we can all relax and be happy because God is on His throne, and He has total control of all that is going on.

                   Charles Spurgeon, the English Baptist preacher from the 1890s once wrote: "Absolute power is safe in the hands of Him who cannot make a mistake or act unrighteously.  When the books of God are opened, no eye will see one word that should be blotted out, one syllable of error, one line of injustice, or one letter of unholiness."  Because our God is the same yesterday, today, and forever we have no reason to be afraid of the current world conditions.  Nothing can take Him by surprise.  I Peter 5:7 tells us that whatever worries or concerns we may have can be given to Him to handle because He cares for us.  Matthew recorded in chapter 11 verses 28-30 how Jesus tells us that when we take our burdens to Him, He will carry them for us.

                   The world conditions we are experiencing were known to God from the before the beginning of the world.  Jesus revealed the signs that will precede His return in Matthew 24.  Paul told Timothy in II Timothy 3:1-7 that perilous times would come.  And Luke records in chapter 21, verses 25-28 that Jesus said there will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars, that nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea, and people will faint from terror of what is coming on the world.  But when He comes in a cloud with great power and glory, believers will know that redemption for the world has finally come. 

                   Studying our Bible shows us how God's prophetic plan will unfold.   Instead of being worried and afraid we should be encouraged because it's proof that God is in charge.  Paul reminds us in Romans 8:28-30 that we should never lose sight of the fact that God works all things -- not just isolated incidents -- for our good.  This doesn't mean that everything that happens to us will be easy or pleasant, nor are we required to call painful things good.  Even though evil pervades our fallen world we are to have faith that God is able to turn every circumstance around for our long-range benefit.  We can be assured that only God can turn a tragedy into a triumph. 

                   God doesn't only work to make us happy. He is also working to fulfill His purposes in us and for us.  His promises are given to  everyone.  They can only be claimed by those who love God, accept Jesus,  and are led by the Holy Spirit.  When that happens, we are given a new perspective and a new mind set.  We learn that we are to trust in God and that our security in Heavenly priorities, not earthly ones.  Our faith in God doesn't waver in times of pain and persecution because we know God is with us.  When we serve and honor God and trust in Jesus as our Savior, we are able to rejoice and take comfort in the fact that God knew us before we were born and His love for us is eternal.  His wisdom and power are supreme, and He will guide and protect us until the day that we stand in His presence.

                   We aren't the first believers to live in difficult times.  Israel lived as slaves in Egypt for 400 years.  David was hunted by king Saul, who wanted to kill him.  The early Christian Church endured terrible persecution, including being killed for their beliefs.  If you find yourself anxious or afraid, that's when you take time reflect on Jesus.  Isaiah prophesied in chapter 53 that He would be despised and rejected of men.  Matthew wrote in chapter 27 that He endured the cross with its pain and shame.  But, as Paul reminds us in Romans 1:4, His resurrection not only vindicated His message, it also guarantees our salvation through Him.

                    So you see, God's plan for our life both on earth and in eternity, will never be changed by what is happening in the world today or tomorrow.  The clouds and darkness spoken of in verse 2 of our text symbolize God's unapproachable holiness and the inability of people to find Him on their own.  If He were uncovered, no one could stand before His blazing holiness and glory.  When we study our Bible and see how things written there unfold, we learn He clearly has a plan for us.  As our faith becomes stronger, we can trust that no matter what happens, God is in control, and He will win the battle of good versus evil.

                   John tells us in I John 3:2 that God's ultimate goal is for us to be like Christ.  As that happens, we discover our true selves which are the people God created us to be.  We become like Christ by studying Jesus' earthly life in the Gospels, by spending time in prayer, by opening our hearts to be filled with His Sprit, and by doing His work in our earthly life.

                   The psalmist also reminds us in our text that we should never miss an opportunity to praise God for all that He does for us.  When we take time to reflect on His majesty and goodness to us, we can't help but tell others about Him.  We are best at sharing our faith when our hearts are full of appreciation for what He does for us.  God has chosen to use us to "declare His glory among the nations."  Praise for our great and loving God should be overflowing from our hearts and our mouths for what He has done for us personally.  We should never be afraid or embarrassed to talk about Him and live our faith openly.  We have a God who loves us, a Savior who died for us, and a place in eternity that is filled with peace and happiness.  In closing, I encourage you to commit your all to the Lord, fully trust Him, and stop worrying.

                   Until we meet again, may God bless and keep you, may He shine His light on you, show you grace, and give you peace in all the days ahead.


Clean Feet 07-07-2024


Questions About Eternal Life