Death Doesn’t Get the Last Word January 14, 2024

Text: 1 Corinthians 15:55-57

                             How many Christians do you know who have said they want to go to Heaven, but they are afraid to die.  This morning, I would like to show you that no Christian should ever fear death because death doesn't get the last word in our Christian journey.  It is true that we like to avoid the subject of death.  The fact that we don't know how it will come often gives us cause for concern.  Will it come quick or unexpected?  Will we die after a long painful illness?  How will we manage that, who will take care of us?  When those we love the most leave us in death, it is painful to remain here and live without them.  Even Jesus cried at the grave of His friend Lazarus because of the terrible nature of death brought on the human race by sin. 

                             Death is an enemy to us.  It is unnatural because we were created to live.  But because of sin in the Garden of Eden death, both physical and spiritual, was passed to all of mankind.  But Paul tells us 1 Corinthians 15:26 that the last enemy that will be destroyed is death.  It will finally be eradicated when Satan along with his fallen angels, demon spirits, and human followers will be thrown into the lake of fire where they will remain forever. 

                             So you see, death doesn't get the last word for believing, faithful Christians.  Instead of fearing it, trust what your Bible tells you.  Salvation through Jesus restores what was lost because of sin.  Luke 19:10 tells us that Jesus came to seek and save the lost.   Jesus tells us in John 11:25 that He is the Resurrection and the Life and anyone who believes in Him, though they were dead, they will live.                                 There are two kinds of death:  spiritual and physical.  Jesus conquered both of them for all who choose to believe.  Ephesians 2:5-9 explains that we are saved from spiritual death by the grace of God because of what Jesus did on the cross.  Spiritual death is overcome for all who believe that because of the grace of God and faith that Jesus died and was raised up for us, we will have eternal life which makes the process of death simply a transition from this life to the next life which will be for all eternity.  Make no mistake.  We didn't earn this.  It is a gift given to us through our faith.

                             1 Corinthians 15:55-57 shows us how we are saved from physical death.  Paul wrote:  "(55) O death, where is your sting?  O grave, where is your victory?  (56) The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the Law "(57) But thanks be to God, which give us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."  the Law of Moses defined sin and stressed death as its penalty.  Paul is looking ahead to the coming victory at the point of our physical death.  Satan seemed to be the victor in the Garden of Eden but at the cross of Jesus, God turned Satan's victory into defeat.  And Jesus tells us in John 3:16 that all who believe in Him will have everlasting life.  John tells us in 1 John 5:12 that anyone who has the Son has life and those who do not have the Son of God do not have life. 

                             Salvation through Jesus changes the destination of the soul and ends the power of death.  All those who are saved go to heaven when they die.  Paul confirms for us in 2 Corinthians 5:8 that we can be confident that when we believe in Jesus Christ, we will have eternal life with Him when we die.  But until that time, we have work to do.  Paul tells us in Philippians 1:21 that to live is Christ, and to die is gain.   In verses 23 and 24 he goes on to say, "(23)I am in a strait betwixt two, have a desire to depart, and to be with Christ, which is far better.  (24)Nevertheless, to abide in the flesh is more needful for you." Yes, it will be indescribably wonderful to be with Jesus when we die, but until our time comes, we must continue to live for Him, and tell others about Him, what He has done for us, and that He wants to do the same thing for them.  

                             In addition to the rewards of our faith in the saving grace of the cross, there are many other reasons not to fear death.  We have a place that Jesus has prepared for us in Heaven as He said in John 14:1-3.  When we get there, we will get to see all of our loved ones who have gone before us.  And like them, there will be no old, broken down bodies because we will be given new bodies with no aches, pains, sickness, or sadness.  But the greatest thing of all will be that we get to meet our Savior Jesus face to face and spend eternity with Him.

                             Christ's resurrection gives us three guarantees that show us that death does not get the last word.  The first guarantee is that we have a Savior.  Romans 1:4 says:  "And declared to be the Son of God with power according to the Spirit of Holiness, by the resurrection from the dead."  Paul confirms that Jesus is the Son of God, the promised Messiah, and our resurrected Lord.  The second guarantee is our Salvation because of Jesus.  Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 15:13-18 that because Jesus rose from the dead as He promised, we know what He said is true and that He is God.  His resurrection affirms the truthfulness of Jesus' life and words, and confirms that because He has risen, He lives and represents us as believers before God.  Jesus' resurrection guarantees both His promise to us and His authority to make that assertion to us.  The third guarantee is found in 1 Corinthians 15:20 where Paul tells us that because Jesus was the first to rise from the dead and never die again, He is our forerunner and the proof of our eventual resurrection into eternal life. Because Jesus has risen and defeated death, we know we also will defeat death.

                             When we die, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 shows us that our bodies will be resurrected from the grave in new bodies to meet Jesus in the air at the time of the Rapture.  If we are still alive at the Rapture, in the twinkling of an eye, we will be changed, given new bodies, and taken to Heaven.  Our new bodies will never feel pain again and we will be like Jesus as told in 1 John 3:2.  Romas 8:18 tells us that the suffering we experience in this life will not be worthy to be compared with the glory that will be revealed to us when we get to heaven.

                             So, when you consider your death, remember Paul's two questions in verse 55 of 1 Corinthians:  O death where is your sting?  O grave where is your victory?  Trust that Jesus' victory over death assures us of that same victory.  Because of the resurrection of Jesus, nothing we do for the Lord is useless.  Sometimes we become apathetic about serving the Lord or hesitate to do good because we don't see any results.  But knowing that Christ has won the ultimate victory must affect the way we live right now.  Don't let discouragement over an apparent lack of results keep you from doing the work of the Lord enthusiastically.  Our job is to plant the seed and pray that it takes hold.  You may never know until you get to Heaven that the seed you planted took root and grew.  Take advantage of every opportunity that presents itself knowing that your work will have eternal results.  Always do your best to live your life for Jesus with a grateful heart for the love and grace show to you at the cross.  Accept and believe that death of your earthly body never gets the last word for a true believing and faithful Christian.       

                             Until we meet again, may God bless and keep you, may He shine His light on you, show you grace, and give you peace in all the days ahead.


Present With the Lord January 21, 2024


No Fear This Year - January 7, 2024