Present With the Lord January 21, 2024

TEXT: 2 Corinthians 5:8


                             Last week we talked about why as Christians we shouldn't fear death.  Especially when we consider our bodies on this earth are only temporary.  According to Psalm 90:10 most of us have seventy to eighty years with perhaps a little more or less to live.  With all of the advances in medical science, doctors still have not been able to abolish death.  Today, let's look at what happens after we die.  Our text this morning is found in  2 Corinthians 5:8 where Paul writes:  "We are confident, I say and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord."  Paul knew he was nearing death but in his heart his faith was telling him there is nothing to fear when that would happen.  He is telling us that like him, we can be confident that when we leave these temporary bodies, we will be present with our Lord.  Rather than be afraid of death, we can look forward to it because that is when our faith will be realized, and we will at last be with Jesus.  Our temporary bodies are weak, but our Lord was, is, and always will be strong. 

                             These bodies we live in are true wonders of creation.  Genesis 2:7 tells us that God made man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life which allowed him to become a living soul.  Think about what it means to be given life by the breath of the almighty God!  David wrote in Psalm 139:14 "I will praise You; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:  marvelous are Your works; and that my soul knows right well."  Physically, we are walking miracles personally formed by the hand of God our Creator.  Even medical researchers marvel at the complexity of the human body and how it works to sustain life. 

                             God's character is already in the body and life of every single person who has been born since Adam.  When you feel worthless, disappointed, or even begin to hate yourself, remember that God's spirit is always available to you, and He is ready and willing to work within you.  Because of Jesus we all have the ability to be new people, so we should have as much respect and regard for ourselves as our Savior has for us. 

                             But we cannot escape the fact that life in this body has its limits.  Poor health, injuries, and handicaps will at some point hold us back.  As we age our limitations are accentuated even more with the onset of things like arthritis, poor eyesight, loss of teeth, and so many other things that will happen to our bodies as we age. 

                             So, what will it mean when we are present with the Lord?  All the restrictions of our worldly bodies will end.  We will undergo a great, unimaginable change the moment we are absent from this body and are present with our Lord.  We will go from the negative of living in a feeble body to the positive of living in a new body in the presence of Jesus.  Instead of fearing death, always remember that death on earth means we will have new life in Heaven.  Being present with the Lord means we have arrived in Heaven.  Our faith tells us there are no doubts about where Jesus is.  After His resurrection, the disciples were witnesses as He ascended into Heaven.  And all who know Him as their personal Savior will be with Him in Heaven immediately following their last breath on earth.

                             The descriptions of Heaven in the Bible fall far short of what it is really like.  We have all heard or read about the descriptions of those who have had what we call "near death experiences."  Do you know anyone who has actually had one?  If you do and have asked them about it?   It is hard for them to accurately describe what they have been privileged to see because it is so beautiful.  Colors that are so vivid but not seen on earth; a sense of peace they have never known; and never wanting to return to life on earth.  It is a place that our earthly imaginations cannot begin to dream of.  But what we do know is that this glorious place will become our home for all eternity. 

                             Hebrews 11 tells us that when we get to Heaven, we will meet and rejoice with the heroes we have read about in the Bible.  Have you ever thought about what it will be like to meet a person you have read about in the Bible and be able to ask them questions about their journey on earth?  What exactly was it that convinced Noah to build that ark and what did he think when the animals began to arrive to go aboard?  What was Moses thinking as the waters of the Red Sea parted so they could escape the Egyptian Army?  How did David really feel when he faced then killed Goliath with his sling shot?  How did Peter feel the first time he saw Jesus alive again and felt His love even though he had denied him?  What was it like for Paul when he encountered Jesus for the first time while on his way to kill Christians?  Think about what it will be like to have these and so many more giants for God as our eternal friends and companions.  But even greater than meeting them, we will be with all of those we have loved and went before us, never to be apart again.  Once we are there, Revelation 5:9 tell us that we will never get tired of rejoicing in the redemption made possible for us by Jesus Christ.  "Worthy is the Lamb" will be our hymn to Him because He is indeed our Savior.

                             What does all this have to do with our life today and the time we have left on this earth?  Because of what we have waiting for us, every dark day we experience can be quickly brightened when we remember that we have Heaven and our new life there to look forward to.  Because of what is ahead of us after this life, all of the problems we have to deal with can be lightened because of what we have to look forward to when we get to Heaven.  I told you last week that the worst of what we experience on earth will pale in comparison to the happiness, peace, and glory that we will experience when we get to Heaven. 

                             If you have any doubts about whether or not you will go to Heaven and be present with Jesus, please take the time to look within your soul and open your heart to let Jesus.  Ask Him to be your guide and let Him rule your life each and every day.  He is the only source of salvation, and He is the key that allows us to enter Heaven's door.  Let Him into your heart and let Him rule your life.  Don't wait.  Secure your place in Heaven now before it is too late.

                             Until we meet again, may God bless and keep you, may He shine His light on you, show you grace, and give you peace in all the days ahead.


Present With the Lord January 28, 2024


Death Doesn’t Get the Last Word January 14, 2024